Scheduled Excel Updater

Our Scheduled Excel Updater solution offers you a straightforward approach to periodically load data into Workfront by automatically submitting files to our Excel Updater solution at a cadence you choose.

HOWImage, Purchase
WHATActuals, Budgeting, Financials
WHENSince 2014
WHERECompanies, Custom Data, Expenses, Hours, Issues, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Users
WHOPlanner, SysAdmin
WHYAutomation, Data Processing, Schedulable, Simplification

  1. Solution
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    scheduled excel updater

    Scheduled Excel Updater

    Organize Data Pulls

    Our Scheduled Excel Updater solution offers you a straightforward approach to periodically load data into Workfront by automatically submitting files to our Excel Updater solution at a cadence you choose.

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    Price Slide

    Excel Updater


    One Time Fee

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    TIP: We invite you to learn about this solution below, and once you are ready, to then proceed here.

    Our Scheduled Excel Updater solution offers you a straightforward approach to periodically load data into Workfront by automatically submitting files to our Excel Updater solution at a cadence you choose.

    To use it…

    Whether your legacy business can export data to Excel or you use our SQLtoXLS solution, instead of having a person manually run our Excel Updater, our Scheduled Excel Updater solution:

    • Can be called from Windows Task Scheduler on whatever cadence you require
    • When run, reads a text configuration file which specifies the source, success and error folders, as well as encrypted userid/password information
    • Scans the source folder specified
    • Automatically pushes any XLS or XLSX files into the Excel Updater on your behalf
    • As each file is processed, moves it into either the success or error folder, as appropriate
    • Records the results of processing to the Windows Event Log
    • Can process multiple spreadsheets in each run


    From $2499/Domain (one time fee)

    Includes up to 2 hours for installation and training

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