Project Status Report
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Our Project Status Report solution provides a data driven one-page Project Status Report in a single click, whenever you need it.
Our Project Status Report solution provides a data driven one-page Project Status Report in a single click, whenever you need it
HOW | Annual License, Glossy, Video |
WHAT | Reporting |
WHEN | Since 2021 |
WHERE | Hours, Issues, Other, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks, Users |
WHO | Executive, Planner, Worker |
WHY | Embedded, Simplification |
Our Project Status Report solution provides a data driven one-page Project Status Report in a single click, whenever you need it.
Our Project Status Report solution provides a data driven one-page Project Status Report in a single click, whenever you need it.
To use it…
Choose whichever of our two installation options best suits your situation: our “Copy/Paste” dashboard and custom section only without any Report Options, or our “Package Installation” for additional custom data that allows users to set Report Options on the fly. The video in the Media section below illustrates both options in action, and includes step by step installation instructions.
Whichever option you choose, the resulting Project Status Report then provides all of the following details, where available:
NOTE: In both cases, the External Page URL cited in the instructions is as follows, for easy copy/pasting reference:
or (in case the above doesn’t work), copy it from this urlencoded version.
Once you have installed either option, if you have troubles, please be aware of the following GOTCHAs:
GOTCHA 1: (common) if you chose our Install Package option and upon clicking the AtApp Project Status Report custom section (or tab) the Project Status Report “just spins”, it might be that the Report Options custom form (just above the spinner) is all blank, meaning it isn’t yet connected to the current user. To resolve it, simply click into any of the data cells, enter some data (e.g. set Logo = Default), then click “outside” of the form to save that data. Doing so will connect the custom form to the user and pull in the other default values, after which you can refresh the page, and the Project Status Report should spin for just a few seconds, and then render.
GOTCHA 2: (happens) if you chose our Install Package option, checked GOTCHA 1, and the Project Status Report still “just spins”, it is might be that the External Page URL was inadvertently malformed along the way: specifically, the API sometimes injects an extra pair of curly braces around {$$USER.{ID}} where instead it should be {$$USER.ID}. To resolve it, edit the AtApp Project Status Report dashboard, inspect and correct the URL either by manually removing the extra pair of curly braces, or simply pasting the entire URL from the link above. Then return to a Project and try the Project Status Report again, which should then render.
GOTCHA 3: (rare) regardless of with which option you chose to install, if upon clicking the AtApp Project Status Report custom section (or tab) the Project Status Report “black screens”, it might be that your Workfront environment is not enabled for such extensions. To resolve it, navigate to Setup > System > Preferences > Security (assuming you have rights; you might need a SysAdmin’s help), and ensure the checkbox is ON beside “Enable the use of session information when creating External Page URLs”. With that setting then enabled, try the Project Status Report again, which should then render.
GOTCHA 4: (rare) ehm…on March 29, 2021, thanks to a Concerned Citizen pointing out it out, we updated the link above to point to https://secure.atappstore.com… (correct) instead of https://www.atappstore.com… (wrong). We then contacted folks who entered their email address to access the video to explain the correction, but for those who used a bogus email (junk@aol.com, we’re lookin’ at you), decided to also post this here, as a gotcha, should you wish to try again.
GOTCHA 5: (rare) ehm…on June 23, 2021, thanks to another Concerned Citizen pointing out it out, we updated the link above to be URL encoded, in order to make the copy/paste “stronger” for certain browsers and operating system. If you’d had trouble with it in the past (e.g. seeing a “not logged in” error), we invite you try again with this new version.
GOTCHA 6: (common) Branding works a bit differently in Classic Workfront vs New Workfront Experience (NWE), so refer to Files section below to ensure you’ve uploaded your Logo correctly so the Project Status Report can then display it. TIP: given the low rectangular aspect of the logo, consider centering yours on on a white background for best results
NOTE: if you’ve tried all of the above and are still having problems, please email tech@atappstore.com with a description of the problem. We’ll do our best to help you get it going, and if it turns out to be a new GOTCHA, will add it to the list so others can benefit.
From $2,999/Year (unlimited use)
If at some point you’d then like us to tailor our Project Status Report (or think of some report you wish you could have just as conveniently), please contact us so we can discuss it further with you.
Other Calendaring Solutions…
Our Executive Status Report solution delivers you unparalleled insight with meaningful, executive-worthy project status reports, including branding, Gantt chart, task highlighting, and issue trending.
HOW | Annual License, Glossy |
WHAT | Actuals, Reporting, Resourcing |
WHEN | Since 2018 |
WHERE | Custom Data, Hours, Issues, Other, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Tasks |
WHO | Executive, Planner |
WHY | Automation, Embedded, Simplification |
From $4,999/Year (unlimited use)
Our Magic Reports solution allows you to engage us to create informative and professional custom reports tailored to your exact specification, maximizing the value of your Workfront data, your images, and your investment.
HOW | Annual License, Glossy |
WHAT | Actuals, Budgeting, Calendaring, Configuration, Financials, Reporting, Resourcing |
WHEN | Since 2017 |
WHERE | Companies, Custom Data, Expenses, Hours, Issues, Other, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Roles, Tasks, Users |
WHO | Executive, Planner, Requestor, SysAdmin, Worker |
WHY | Automation, Embedded, Simplification |
From $2,999/Year (plus development)