Extract Document Text
Enhance Searches
Our Extract Document Text solution allows you to schedule and automatically extract text from PDFs, docx, and doc files stored into custom parameters you can then search for a particular word or phrase.
Our Extract Document Text solution allows you to schedule and automatically extract text from PDFs, docx, and doc files stored into custom parameters you can then search for a particular word or phrase.
HOW | Annual License, Glossy, On Demand, Video |
WHAT | Actuals, Configuration |
WHEN | Since 2020 |
WHERE | Custom Data, Other, Tasks |
WHO | Planner, SysAdmin, Worker |
WHY | Automation, Data Processing, Schedulable |
Our Extract Document Text solution allows you to schedule and automatically extract text from PDFs, docx, and doc files stored into custom parameters you can then search for a particular word or phrase.
Our Extract Document Text solution allows you to schedule and automatically extract text from PDFs, docx, and doc files stored into custom parameters you can then search for a particular word or phrase.
To use it…
Download an follow the example in this video to:
NOTE: the current version of Extract Document Text requires that the documents and Text custom form be stored at the Task level. If you require more than five 2000 character Task Extract Block custom parameters, you may add additional fields by following the same pattern. Only Tasks whose Task Extract Block parameters are blank will be processed, so to re-extract the text, clear them out in advance. If you have additional questions or suggestions, please contact us
From $1.00/Item, to a maximum of:
NOTE: one Item refers to one Task, regardless of the number of Documents attached to that Task, with the text contents of those documents then being processed in order until reaching the limit of the specified Text Extract Block parameters (e.g. five at 2000 characters each = 10,000 total characters)
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HOW | Annual License, Glossy |
WHAT | Actuals, Budgeting, Configuration, Financials, Resourcing |
WHEN | Since 2018 |
WHERE | Companies, Custom Data, Expenses, Hours, Issues, Other, Portfolios, Programs, Projects, Roles, Tasks, Users |
WHO | Planner, SysAdmin, Worker |
WHY | Automation, Data Processing, Embedded, Simplification |
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HOW | Annual License, Image, On Demand |
WHAT | Actuals, Configuration, Financials, Reporting |
WHEN | Since 2011 |
WHERE | Custom Data |
WHO | Executive, Planner, SysAdmin |
WHY | Automation, Data Processing, Schedulable |
From $5/Run + DWMY Rates